Workshop - How To Thrive Not Just Survive In The Fashion Industry

Do you want a successful business that has a resilient and fully engaged team?

Do you want a team capable of producing the results you want?

Do you want your team to have the ability and resourcefulness to confidently face the challenges and change in an ever demanding industry?

Then this workshop is perfect for you and your team to:

  • Deliver effective and sustainable learning solutions.
  • Focus on understanding what stress is and how to manage its negative effects.
  • Learn how develop resilience with practical tools, effective strategies and techniques to help you and your employees, to develop and maintain resilience.


What will be the benefits and return on your investment? 

I appreciate how important it is to be able to see measurable results from investing in the workshop


For employers the benefits of resilience training will be:

  • A more engaged, more resourceful and flexible workforce
  • Increased motivation and productivity
  • Improved communication, team bonding and morale
  • Providing employees with the ability to deal effectively with the challenges of their roles and change
  • Understanding and awareness of the needs of their employees
  • Acknowledges the social responsibility that businesses have to improve wellbeing in the workplace
  • Reduction of levels of sickness absence
  • Improved employee retention


Your employees will learn:

  • To be more self aware and able to identify their stressors
  • What resilience is and what affects our resilience
  • How to respond positively and proactively to the pressures and demands of working life
  • Identify opportunities to thrive
  • How building personal resilience can enable them to be more flexible and be able to respond to change more effectively
  • To become more aware of their strengths and how to use them to become more resourceful and creative in their thinking
  • Skills and practical techniques to build and maintain their personal resilience
  • How they can change their thinking and behaviour and learn to handle difficulties and challenges
  • To create a healthy relationship to control
  • To feel more focused and energised with a greater sense of wellbeing


Are you ready to take the next step?

I recognise that every business is unique and I always begin with a face-to-face meeting or phone call to listen to you and discuss your business needs.

If you would like to would like to discuss arranging a workshop or would like further information contact me me at 

I look forward to building a strategy for success with you and your business.